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Jul 31, 2023


130 The boys are back! In this episode Scott talks about his new tattoo, then rants about Liefeld’s rant on AI. Meanwhile Corwin admits he has some ink too, then he too also has a rant about Liefeld. The Deadpool books of June and most of July are covered. In Past-O-Vision they wrap up the whole run of Cable &...

Jul 17, 2023

Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form EMX!

In this eXplicit, uncut and unedited episode of EMX we review Marvel Comics X-Men books of May and June 2023.   

  • Besty Braddock: Captain Britain (2023) #4-5
  • Bishop War College...

Jul 4, 2023

Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast!

A massive endeavor looks to close out every shocking encounter of the last 6 years in AVENGERS! It all ends in Jason Aaron’s Finale AVENGERS ASSEMBLE OMEGA #1...