Apr 30, 2017
The boys are back in record time!! In this episode Scott tells us the dark story of Farmer Abraham, and then schools us in what the 6 year anniversary is. Meanwhile Corwin fails miserably at killing time then becomes shocked on a certain artist change in style. In Hit List the two of them run down their Top 5 Picks on who Should Play Mr. Sinister in the Movies. They then finally catch up with the books with Deadpool’s first major crossover, the final issue of Foolkiller and the other books of March 2017. In Past-O-Vision they journey back to 2002 to review Agent X #2-3. And as always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a PSA.
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0:01:27 News
0:12:10 Hit List: Mr Sinister
0:22:40 Deadpool (2015) #28
0:29:53 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #15
0:37:06 Deadpool and the Mercs for Money (2016.2) #9
0:46:41 U.S.Avengers (2017) #4
0:49:23 Deadpool The Duck (2017) #5
0:54:39 Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) #13
1:00:42 Foolkiller (2017) #5
1:07:56 Uncanny Avengers (2015.2) #21
1:15:21 Agent X (2002) #2
1:22:58 Agent X (2002) #3
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Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Email: HipsterDaken@gmail.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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Episodes #1-26 can be found @ Cultural Wormhole.com
"The Merc Report" has now joined the EMP family of podcasts and has now become "The Merc With a Podcast!" -EXPLICIT CONTENT