Apr 17, 2017
After a month break, the guys are back. In this episode Corwin admits to censoring Scott, and then talks about the struggles of sinus pain in Florida. Scott on the other hand becomes a drug mule, and interrupts the show after every review with a listener question. In Con Report, Scott talks about his crazy adventures at Wonder Con, with his battle with a line and anime boobs. At some point they decide to talk about the Deadpool books of February 2017. Finally in Past-O-Vision they travel to the year 2002 and review Agent X #1. And always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a PSA.
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0:04:21 News
0:27:46 Con Report: Wonder Con 201724
0:46:21 Uncanny Avengers (2015.2) #20
0:51:14 Deadpool and the Mercs for Money (2016.2) #8
0:58:59 Champions (2016) #5
1:04:32 Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) #11
1:11:08 Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) #12
1:19:21 Foolkiller (2016) #4
1:23:14 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #14
1:31:03 Deadpool The Duck (2017) #3
1:33:23 Deadpool The Duck (2017) #4
1:37:13 Deadpool (2015) #26
1:40:52 Deadpool (2015) #27
1:45:21 Agent X (2002) #1
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Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Email: HipsterDaken@gmail.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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Episodes #1-26 can be found @ Cultural Wormhole.com
"The Merc Report" has now joined the EMP family of podcasts and has now become "The Merc With a Podcast!" -EXPLICIT CONTENT