Jun 1, 2016
The boys are back with a new episode!! This time Corwin is way too tired to participate half the time and then admits he’s holding out some hope for X-Men: Apocalypse. Meanwhile Scott starts quoting Slurm MacKenzie then admits he’s too manly to cry during Your Lie in April. The guys then review the Deadpool books for April 2016 and boy do they have a lot to cover. In Past-O-Vision they travel back to 2001 to cover Wolverine #166. Then finally in Booty the Bay they discuss the special features on the Deadpool Blu Ray. And as always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a new PSA.
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0:06:40 News
0:13:35 Hell House Fax
0:26:56 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #4
0:34:18 Deadpool and the Mercs for Money (2016) #3
0:41:08 Deadpool (2015) #9
0:50:39 Deadpool (2015) #10
0:54:52 Unbelievable Gwenpool (2016) #1
1:05:36 Uncanny Avengers (2015.2) #8
1:10:49 Harley Quinn and Her Gang of Harleys #1
1:15:53 Harley Quinn #26
1:19:51 Harley Quinn #27
1:27:30 Wolverine (1988) #166
Booty by the Bay
1:36:56 Deadpool Blu Ray/DVD
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Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Email: HipsterDaken@gmail.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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Episodes #1-26 can be found @ Cultural Wormhole.com