Feb 22, 2021
Episode 115 The boys are back in such a turnaround! In this episode Scott talks about his desire to become a certain TV dad, then somehow says something viler than last episode’s zebra talk. Meanwhile, Corwin makes Scott do a spit take live on air, then defends Spider-Man 2. For January’s books, they jump into King of Black with Savage Avengers, and wraps up Kelly Thompson’s run of Deadpool. In Past-O-Vision they travel back to the end of 2006 to talk about Deadpool and Domino’s inner demons in Cable & Deadpool 34 & 35. Monty’s Predictions are visited and hey they actually got some stuff right. They also make some new ones too. In, Get in the Review, they review episodes 17 & 18 of Neon Genesis Evangelion. And as always, Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with an early St. Patrick’s Day PSA.
0:07:10 Hell House Fax
0:09:24 Savage Avengers (2019) #17
0:13:23 Deadpool (2019) #10
0:24:05 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #34
0:34:16 Ads
0:44:32 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #35
0:55:14 Ads
1:19:32 Neon Genesis Evangelion Ep17
1:27:40 Neon Genesis Evangelion Ep18
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Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Email: HipsterDaken@gmail.com
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Episodes #1-26 can be found @ Cultural Wormhole.com