Oct 12, 2020
Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast!
IN THIS EPISODE... It is a dark time for our heroes... but even as the world reels, the EMP-Special Assaulting Specialist Squad Team suits up to defend the civilization that fears and hates them from bad books, and you know the rest! In EMPYRE, the cosmic consequences finally become clear. The only remaining question? Will there be fallout? MEANWHILE in EMPYRE: FALLOUT a familiar face but a different leader steps forward, plus the final revelations of...ORIGINAL SIN? What does it all mean? THEN...the AVENGERS need to talk to Moon Knight about some bruises, him AND his fiery familiar co-conspirator! Its all here in.... EMP 170...N'UFF SAID!
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Music: EMP theme song
By Tribe One
Email: TheAvengers@EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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