Jan 10, 2018
Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast!
IN THIS EPISODE... we journey to the center of Counter-Earth and witness the final fate of two High Evolutionaries, two planets, two teams and… two teammates..? Back on normal Earth Deadpool gets street smart with the Defenders and tries to explain his moon landing with the Punisher, while the Defenders learn a shocking secret about one of their teammates (spoiler: his name’s NOT Gary). We say goodbye to one of our consistently favorite books as Uncanny Avengers comes to a close. In bonus-book town, Clint and Bucky get together in what should be a great time…sorta depends how you like funerals. AND get ready for a shocking revelation about the future of EMP!!! It’s all here in EPISODE 132: HUMINIMALS UNLEASHED!!!!! ’Nuff Said!
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0:06:13 Midtro
0:08:58 Avengers (2016) #674
0:22:07 Champions (2016) #15
0:54:08 Defenders (2017) #8
1:01:28 Uncanny Avengers (2015.2) #30
Quick Hits
1:06:32 Marvel 2 in 1 (2017) #1
1:12:16 Tales of Suspense (2017) #100
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Music: EMP theme song
By Tribe One
Email: TheAvengers@EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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