Apr 12, 2017
Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast!
“Sometimes meandering but never boring!” High praise from our Esteemed Listenership! IN THIS EPISODE…Vision wants to Make The 616 Great Again. Was that his idea…or Kang’s? Avenger X got her just desserts- A simmered sandbox souffle with cinammon and cement notes. So will Avenger X return? Well, this is comics… The Champions learn that teamwork makes the dream work, but no amount of internet famous will make a visor like that into a Team Leader…Clint Barton’s adventures might be much improved by a black eye from NightHawk…or better yet, DARKHAWK? The Ultimates aren’t bad, they’re just drawn that way, DEADPOOL vs REDHULK…..’nuff said! Annnnnd Bonus Content like an all out throwdown Writers V. Artists! Winner? Or do they need a Venom Symbiote for Maximum Creativity? NEW #1’s….who wore it best? America Chavez, Danny Rand or Man-Thing? Welcome to a GIANT-SIZED dosage of March 2017's books on EMP….we hope you survive the experience!
0:00:00 Sponsor DCBService.com
0:17:25 Feedback
0:27:59 Avengers (2016) #5
0:40:35 Avengers (2016) #5.1
0:50:21 Champions (2016) #6
0:58:38 Occupy Avengers (2016) #5
1:11:42 U.S.Avengers (2017) #4
1:22:32 Ultimates 2 (2016) #5
1:41:33 Uncanny Avengers (2015.2) #21
Quick Hits
2:01:58 America (2017) #1
2:10:14 Monsters Unleashed (2017) #4-5
2:12:05 Iron Fist (2017) #1
2:16:43 Inhumans Prime (2017)
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Viet's Website: http://www.comedianviet.com
Website: http://www.sketchymcdrawpants.wordpress.com