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May 7, 2011

Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast! 
Come and get to know Alex, Corwin and Viet as they almost randomly decided to record themselves talk about comics .  Flying by the seat of their pants they cover the first part of Fear Itself, the big new event from Marvel Comics. (Please excuse our dust as we get settled in...the podcast vastly improves as the episodes go on...PROMISE)
Issues covered- Fear Itself Prologue: The Book of Skull, Fear Itself #1, Fear Itself: Home Front #1 and there will be spoilers!
     0:00 - Generic Talk
     2:03 - Intros
     6:25 - Fear Itself Prologue : The Book of Skull 
   18:40 - Fear Itself #1
   39.10 - Fear Itself Home Front #1
1:09:40 - Bonus Material...PG13   
itunes (Now Available!)
Forums (Coming Soon) -
Viet's  Website -

Music: "Iron Man" 
West Coast Avengers Mixtape

over thirteen years ago

Hi! Thanks for tuning in! Our first few episodes are kind of rough but it begins to vastly improve so please stick with us! (Or jump to our most current episode then go backwards.)

over thirteen years ago
