Apr 29, 2020
Episode 105! Phantom Zone, Escalators, and Pink Panther oh my!! The Boys are back with a brand new episode. In this episode Corwin has no time for Final Fantasy VII Remake and might have to cave and rent Trolls 2. Meanwhile Scott doesn’t have time for Final Fantasy VII Remake either, but he does have time for adult mangas!! The last Deadpool book to ever be published in a pre-pandemic world is reviewed and boy do they have thoughts. In Past-O-Vision they travel back to 2006 to see Deadpool fight Spidey in Cable and Deadpool #24. For Get in the Review, they talked about the worlds slowest escalator, and a questionable drill in Neon Genesis Evangelion episodes 5 & 6. Finally in Merc File the guys scrape the bottom of the barrel and solve the question of; What came first the cartoon or the film of the Pink Panther? And as always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a PSA.
0:04:09 News
0:08:49 Hellhouse Fax
0:25:05 Deadpool (2019) #4
0:31:34 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #24
0:41:25 Retro Ads
0:49:49 Neon Genesis Evangelion Ep5
1:05:35 Neon Genesis Evangelion Ep6
1:16:00 Merc File: Pink Panther
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Music by Jenki "Girls of Los Angeles"
Email: HipsterDaken@gmail.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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Episodes #1-26 can be found @ Cultural Wormhole.com