Jul 25, 2019
Individually they were just like those guys who like to hang around the comic book shop and talk comics but together they form the Earth’s Mightiest Podcast!
Ep 156 AND THERE CAME A DAY ... as the War of the Realms shuttered its way to a conclusion, in which EVERYTHING CHANGED ...FOREVER. Gods were born, made, died and killed, Dogs gave orders that no human would've DARED to ignore... And when everything had finally settled, a new Ruler sat for all eternity on the Throne. MEANWHILST The Champions continue to manage a chronic shortage of truly fine heroes...and the Avengers? well the Avengers dip in the fiery hot tuba of "assemmmblehhhhh." Believe it when we say this is a Hot Tub sequence not to be missed.
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0:27:54 Champions (2019) #6
0:40:04 Avengers (2018) #20
0:56:45 The War of the Realms (2019) #6
1:14:35 War of the Realms Omega (2019) #1
1:26:26 Avengers (2018) #21
1:42:03 Champions (2019) #7
1:48:27 Savage Avengers (2019) #3
2:00:50 Thor (2018) #15
2:02:55 Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #5
2:07:17 War of the Realms - Agents of Atlas (2019) #4
2:08:08 Aero (2019) #1
2:10:55 War of the Realms - Journey Into Mystery (2019) #5
2:13:09 Invisible Woman (2019) #1
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Music: EMP theme song
By Tribe One
Email: TheAvengers@EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
Website: http://www.EarthsMightiestPodcast.com
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